Pegasus Post Natal Blues Remedy 200c

Pegasus Post Natal Blues Remedy 200c

  • R 190.00
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A remedy that should be ‘on hand’ at all times, as is ideal for any shock, upset, emotional upset but specifically in this case, during and post labour/birth; symptoms of PTSD (post- traumatic stress disorder), including dis-association, emergencies in labour; deals with physical and emotional trauma, post-natal depression, grief. Aids with side effects of anaesthesia.

NOTE: Incorporate in alternation with The Birthing Remedy 200c during an ‘emotional labour.


Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy
Aconitum Nap 200c Excellent remedy for exhaustion, distress / foetal distress, shock of all kinds, dis-association, stupor, retained urine related to fear and excess mucous in infant.
Arnica Montana 200c Mental and physical shock related to trauma (mind & body). Excellent for the bruising and bleeding post labour. Haemorrhoids.
Causticum 200c Depression (looks on ‘dark’ side of everything), anxious, foreboding, weepy, persistent silence, sad, hopeless, despondent, thinking of complaints aggrevates e.g. haemorrhoids. over sensitive to crying children.
Gelsemuim 200c Wonderful anticipatory anxiety remedy. Sensitive women who can’t compose themselves to sleep. Depressive emotions.
Hypericum Perf 200c The ‘arnica of the nerves’ – Useful for anxiety, nervous depression and fright. Eases irritability and restores ‘frayed’ nerves. Ideal remedy to aid post-natal depression.
Ignatia Amara 200c The remedy of choice for separation anxiety and grief (un-resolved, slow to progress with possible history of previous stillbirth or loss)
Nat Mur 200c Holding back emotions, feels ‘stuck’, self-conscious & vulnerable. Patient often has headaches, craves fresh air & gulps water.
Passiflora 200c Quietens the nervous system; useful in emotional upsets and hysteria. Calming.

As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your homeopathic practitioner or your General Practitioner.


Suck 3-5 pillules on a clean mouth 1-2 hourly where acute emotional upsets, reducing to 4 hourly or when necessary thereafter.