Pegasus Post Natal Blues Remedy 200c
A remedy that should be ‘on hand’ at all times, as is ideal for any shock, upset, emotional upset but specifically in this case, during and post labour/birth; symptoms of PTSD (post- traumatic stress disorder), including dis-association, emergencies in labour; deals with physical and emotional trauma, post-natal depression, grief. Aids with side effects of anaesthesia.
NOTE: Incorporate in alternation with The Birthing Remedy 200c during an ‘emotional labour.
Remedy | Symptoms covered by specific remedy |
Aconitum Nap 200c | Excellent remedy for exhaustion, distress / foetal distress, shock of all kinds, dis-association, stupor, retained urine related to fear and excess mucous in infant. |
Arnica Montana 200c | Mental and physical shock related to trauma (mind & body). Excellent for the bruising and bleeding post labour. Haemorrhoids. |
Causticum 200c | Depression (looks on ‘dark’ side of everything), anxious, foreboding, weepy, persistent silence, sad, hopeless, despondent, thinking of complaints aggrevates e.g. haemorrhoids. over sensitive to crying children. |
Gelsemuim 200c | Wonderful anticipatory anxiety remedy. Sensitive women who can’t compose themselves to sleep. Depressive emotions. |
Hypericum Perf 200c | The ‘arnica of the nerves’ – Useful for anxiety, nervous depression and fright. Eases irritability and restores ‘frayed’ nerves. Ideal remedy to aid post-natal depression. |
Ignatia Amara 200c | The remedy of choice for separation anxiety and grief (un-resolved, slow to progress with possible history of previous stillbirth or loss) |
Nat Mur 200c | Holding back emotions, feels ‘stuck’, self-conscious & vulnerable. Patient often has headaches, craves fresh air & gulps water. |
Passiflora 200c | Quietens the nervous system; useful in emotional upsets and hysteria. Calming. |
As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your homeopathic practitioner or your General Practitioner.
Suck 3-5 pillules on a clean mouth 1-2 hourly where acute emotional upsets, reducing to 4 hourly or when necessary thereafter.