Pegasus Bronchial Relief 30c
A homeopathic remedy for acute chest conditions e.g. coughs, wheezing, tight chest, whooping cough, croup.
For a very ‘wet’ or phlegmy cough, use muco drianol 30C instead.
If a chest infection is suspected, add anti-virobac 200c
If using more than one remedy at a time, alternate dosing between the two remedies.
Remedy | Symptoms covered by specific remedy |
Antimonium tartaricum 200c | Rattling of mucus giving rise to rapid, short breaths as if about to suffocate; loose cough with burning in chest. |
Bryonia 30c | Dry hacking cough; patient holds chest, sides and head when coughing; sputum is rust in colour and may be streaked with blood. |
Cortisone 6c | Anti-inflammatory action without side effects of allopathic drug. |
Ferrum phosphoricum 30c | Dry hacking cough that is often painful with a heavy chest. |
Ipecacuanha 30c | Cough with wheezing. Incessant cough with tendency to vomit. Nosebleeds, tightness of chest, whooping cough, croup. |
Kali bichromicum 30c | Cough with thick, sticky or stringy mucus, yellow or green. Hoarse voice, pain in ears when cough. |
Kali muriaticum 30c | Hoarse, croupy, laryngeal cough with wheezing. |
Natrum sulphuricum 30c | Shortness of breath and asthma with damp weather; thick, ropy green mucus; loose but violent cough. |
Silicea30c | Violent cough when lying down with thick yellow, lumpy mucus; bruised feeling in chest; cannot breathe deeply without pain; shortness of breath from exercise/exertion. |
Spongia tosta 30c | Barking, dry cough. Hoarseness, croupy cough. Difficult wheezy breathing. Better for drinking. |
As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your homeopathic practitioner or your General Practitioner.
In acute conditions, dose every hour for 3 doses then every 2 hours for 3 doses.
Thereafter dose 4-6 hourly as required for 3-5 days.
For a very tight chest and wheezing, initial dosing can be half hourly for 3 doses if required.
For asthmatics, it may be beneficial to take this remedy together with your conventional medical treatment e.g. dose once a week for up to 3 months.
If further treatment is required, or to tailor treatment for the individual, consult a homeopath.